Alright, here's the deal: I've been intermittently working on a website
overhaul, including the We Cloe pages.
I intend to make more informative pages that are actually pleasing
to the eye.
When will these updates be complete and posted to the site? Saab only
March '03 update: I'm still working
on (okay, be fair, planning out) a new design scheme.
In the meantime, in a desperate attempt to prevent this page from growing
I'm going to throw up my Thrush Hermit lyric page. Check it out and
please keep checking back.
Includes a bit of literature spotting
I can't believe I haven't
done this yet. There have been several people who have e-mailed me with lyrical
offering and corrections (in many cases clearing up some very embarrassing
translations). So I say a big THANK YOU! to the following people:
Andy, Joan, Pierre, Ryan and Jeff.
Please keep sending in suggestions and corrections. I would like the lyrics pages to be as accurate as possible. Danke. |
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