I'm too excited to be coherent. Just read this.

WAUGH!!!! Life is good. What more could I want?
The Inbreds, Thrush Hermit, Eric's Trip, Plumtree, Jale and Hardship Post
doing the same thing. Right. Well, I suppose there's always misguided hope....

*        *        *        *        *        *

Alright, here's the deal: I've been intermittently working on a website overhaul, including the We Cloe pages.
I intend to make more informative pages that are actually pleasing to the eye.
When will these updates be complete and posted to the site? Saab only knows.

March '03 update: I'm still working on (okay, be fair, planning out) a new design scheme.
In the meantime, in a desperate attempt to prevent this page from growing mould,
I'm going to throw up my Thrush Hermit lyric page. Check it out and please keep checking back.


thrush hermit page

Includes discography

Includes a bit of literature spotting


I can't believe I haven't done this yet. There have been several people who have e-mailed me with lyrical offering and corrections (in many cases clearing up some very embarrassing translations). So I say a big


to the following people: Andy, Joan, Pierre, Ryan and Jeff.

Please keep sending in suggestions and corrections. I would like the lyrics pages to be as accurate as possible. Danke.


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Page created on March 7, 2000
Last updated: March 23, 2003