The Super Friendz (circa 1994 - 1996) were:
Charles Austin - vocals & bass
Dave Marsh/Lonnie James - drums
Matt Murphy - vocals & guitar
Drew Yamada - vocals & guitar
All the lyrics were transcribed by me in what started
as a quest to try and decipher Charles Austinese.
Anyway, I'm about 75% sure of my lyrical accuracy
(italics were used to indicate certain uncertainty).
If you see some goofs or know how to fill in the
blanks, or if you know what a "stupedory" is, please
e-mail me!
Titles in light blue are sung by
Matt Murphy
Titles in green are sung by
Drew Yamada
Titles in purple are sung
by Charles Austin
I thought The Rodeo Song was my draw
The more the horse bucked, the deeper you'd fall
But you worked there for roots and for old ties
You were there for your friend, not the one on the rise
I wish we were adult contemporaries when we went through school
'cause I'd have hung around and I'dve walked you home from school
Your friend's the actress, don't lose 10 lbs. too
'cause you are as pretty, as pretty times two
But she doesn't come alone - she comes with a friend
and that means you, you'll come around
So bells ring and whistles blow
At least I'm alive
You take the highway in and you take it home
and I walk through patterned blocks, I cut it alone
You should never laugh at other people's jokes
'cause I fill up with pride, live my life in the hopes
I live my life in the hopes
From up north there came a man
He took on the colour of his land
and turned white like a magician
I guess he got what he deserved
You know he would have looked absurd without
He built his home out of snow and stone
Locked himself in and he lived alone
I'm the husband of Lady Chatterley
and I'm a mean and jealous thaggerly
Where does it lead me?
I know that it leads me
I work for a man who wants more than friendship
When he's passed on, surprise surrounds you
Where does it lead me?
I know that it leads me
You don't owe me anything, but you better call
He's a hat tossing giver of speeches
and he thinks he's got something to teach us
Where does it lead me?
I know that it leads me
I trust a woman who cheats her boyfriend
I trust a friend who betrays a friend
So where does it lead me?
You don't owe me anything, but you better call
Blue Tattoo
(Hard Core Logo cover)
It hurt bad, you got it
It went right to your head
It drove you insane,
but that’s forgotten
and you can’t go on
without any pain
Hey blue tattoo on your shoulder
in the shape of a heart
in the middle of my name
and that is how I remember
all the bad things
that you could not change
Hey blue tattoo on my shoulder
in the shape of the world
in the middle of your name
and that is how I will remember
all the bad things that you took to your grave
Are you serious?
Are you my only friend?
Are you serious?
Are you my only one?
They serve a perfect model
so I take my bottle
and I drink from their boots
on the sea of sucker suits
I don't know why, but I feel chastised when I look in their eyes
when they say I'm in trouble
I've got nothing to hide
So I go and stand with the rolled eyes
and it's a funny thing, but it's a beautiful view:
brick, wood and glass
Here's something, some money, go home tonight
Faced by the flooding, the mayor took a stand
He called the chief of police and had the
citizens banned
Don't check your mailbox, stay out of the bars,
pack up your baggage and get in your cars
The linens were all packed up,
visiting cousins were out of luck
And soon there was no one around
as the houses waited to drown
Mainly by force of habit,
the tourists were first to leave,
they drank the town dry
and let it grieve
And closets were emptied,
kitchens untidied
They left the streets spangled
as their lives untangled
The linens were packed up by then
and your visiting cousins had gone back where
they'd been
Not a sound
as the water took the town
She takes shells and grinds them down,
levels them into sand
What once was a home, heart and safe,
she pours from hand to hand
And he robs bells and melts them down,
pours them into bullets
What once could ring can only crack
if he decides to pull it
But you know, if you want to be free, you just have to ask to
And you know, if you want to come clean, you really don't have to
The nights are lean and the days are fat
with guilt and reservation
Sleep won't come the whole night through
warns the radio station
And empty halls and country songs
and 23 skidoo
You had your voice, you knew it would raise
the price ____________
No, if you want to come clean, you really don't
And you know, if you want to come clean, you really don't have to
Sharpen your knives in a ship by the sea,
the wind whipping through the holes in the screen
You have come to see him in these darkened times,
drawn till you finish your Mariner's
So come on, come on, come on - live the right time
So come on, come on, come on - give me the right time
Now picture a man on a boat on a land
brush white paint chips off his dark summer tan
I can feel the nausea coming on
The boat won't rock without a sing along
On the horn, you could only stare
Your mystic voyage is sucking air
Heartaches were plenty and the pleasures were few
Turn coal into gold and old into new
Imagine you're pulling the cloth from the loom
She clings to the drapes in her TV room
'Cause she's up all night by candlelight
losing her sight of why she waits on you
You could come over anytime
You could smash all my windows, set my house on fire
You might as well take my TV
I don't really care what happens to me
People talk about fun - that's overrated
I spot it coming along, I move around it
When I go down in flames
will you be there?
Don't speak to me unless to say
that you will remember
You can take what's left of me,
put it into a jar and pickle me in alcohol
Keep me up above your fireplace
When you're at a loss for words, I'm your conversation piece
You say you've got plans hanging pictures
I'm gonna get mine too, just do it different than you
See the sun is going down
and see it falling underneath the ground;
a line that divides night and day
When you're walking through the trees
beside the Highway #43,
look for the hidden door: night and day
But everything is far away when you are not here
There are no words I can say that won't disappear
I know words will fail me, I know words will fail
Don't lose your nerve
in the lonely places of the world
I licked the stamp to send along
a love for her I knew was wrong
I don't need to be forgiven
It was Saturday, the dream came true
I held a different side of you
By Friday I was feeling better
Everything writes itself in the end
and this sure ain't no different
Through tired lines
she said, "We've tried hard,
so why try harder?"
The well was dry, or, maybe me
She broke the chain and set me free
I hate myself because I let her
I'm like a dust storm when I come into a room
You know the things I've noticed
like the way you fold your hands
After all, I feel like
And you seem likely to prove
In the most forgotten _______
like a jiprock parachute
I'm like a waning moon
on the leeward side of some landmass
I'm a radial matchstick
You know the things I've noticed
like the way you close your eyes
Deep in my cellar
I found you like a firefly
In amongst the furniture there
you've terminated in my mind
There's a world that's blue; I've seen it too
Don't turn around, I think it's right behind
I went to look for you,
a place where nothing moved
_______'s got a funny ______
I could have sworn I knew
I thought it was winter
But outside it's summertime
That's when all of the people feel alright
and they don't care about nothing for _______
Memories. What good are these?
I want to live for something real
Put the kettle on and pour another one
There's a river running through your brain
and thoughts are splashing in the pouring
Looks like it's fishing time again
I don't pity you, I'm not kidding you
There's a squeaky voice deep in your head
He's dropping his Gs like they were lead,
poisoning the things you read about the forms
and the fear of the postal strike
But what's way down low
and what you never show
will be with you forever a day
Stick it on the ground, there a spring was found
You must have a sink inside your heart
She's in her cell up against the wall . .
hey, why don't you give her a call?
Turn inside out, simply come about
Let these pots and pans smash you a path
It's time you stepped into the light
The upshot: don't ask
what would the loved ones say
if they come through your house today
Remember, if you're dead of the things they've
will be with you forever a day
Oh but what would the loved ones say
if they come through your nest today
Remember, if you're dead of the things they've
will be with you forever and a day
I remember, distantly, the day you showed me your green hand
swollen up and tattooed, so you'd hide it
And when you act like that, yeah, yeah
When you act like that, yeah, yeah
I don't know what I expect
It isn't that hand or your behaviour
I didn't think that should get you so excited
And you'd act so unaware
I'm not acting like I don't care
I know that your green hand
means more to you than we'll understand
That's why we wrote you this here plan
And all the things you say
don't mean as much the very next day
That's why you have got that hand
You watched the flag come down
They folded it, but let it hit the ground
And you were so uninspired
when you sang the anthem with the choir
And I can sympathize
with anyone who tries
I joined the last parade
at the back with the pitchers and underpaid
But this they said they would not stand:
you up front marching in the twirling band
It rained so hard that day
the marshall lost his way
he led the floats astray
In the months that were to follow
I tried to stay in bed
and live my life under the covers
Sun broke and began to sweat
at the Rotary, the two ends finally met
Exchanging unpleasantries,
swapping swag and opportunities
And no one could outlast
the detonation blast,
the death of all our souls,
the injured dreams on coals
In the months that were to follow
I tried to stay in bed
and live my life under the covers
away from motions, away from covers
It's only life that will bring you down
and nervousness that keeps you 'round
Of all the dreams about my past
I always dreamed that this would last
Karate Man, Karate Man
Dressed in plainclothes, no one knows who you are
Karate Man, you stepped into the bar
looking for the skinhead boys who pushed your brother too far
Karate Man, Karate Man
You never threw a punch, your knowledge & confidence & power
are more than enough
Karate Man, your brother feels ashamed,
but you brought honour and you stuck it to your family name
Karate Man, Karate Man
Stepped into a dark, dark bar, but no one even knows who you are
Karate Man, though you never threw a punch,
your knowledge and confidence are more than enough
I feel we're in for hard times
Bad times are better for sure
Do you long for sunrise shorelines?
Kiss the mountains good-bye
Two thousand miles can't change my latitude
I shiver to fits; you shiver to bits
But that's enough to keep a light at night
So one of us calls, till one of us calls
Our love is a cruel deformity
Your head on my satisfied mind
Your thoughts come cooling metal
Down this electric dial
I don't want to taste the salt of your lonely life
'Cause it's all I've ever known
I just want to kiss the land
that you got me to
I just want to kiss the land
You're breaking good news, what could it be?
You're __________ and now you're so proud
I'm just as free as I ever was
You know that I'm down to watch you come down
Is our love hot ferocity
or just a sack of ash?
To scatter on open ocean
A pinch for every dash
The plane won't come in
Your signal's down
You must sit in your position
The pilot hears the turning gears
The plane, it nears
the target here
Hooray, hooray - it's away
and now I turn around
Make sure the landing light is on the ground
The sky's blue skin, a northwest red
The sun goes down
and night rolls around
The pilot veers, it's dark in here
What have I done?
It's dark in here
Well I'd admit there is the chance
we've already gone the length of your heart
'cause you're out having a whale of a time
and I'm not getting used to that
You see, you come to mind
at the awkwardest times
And like a threadbare sweater before winter weather
I'm looking for traces of you
I scan the ice flows for ambergris
hoping to trap in it the smell of you
But the last time you came to me
your skin had already been perfumed
And you come to mind at the obvious times
but it's not likely I'm going to find you
in the evenings or in the afternoons
in the drawn out distance of longing and latitude
So I'll disengage this clutch and grab technique
and I'll find something else to occupy my mind
and when it's said and done, I do believe it will be true
I'll be better off not thinking of you
I do believe I will be relieved
when I'm finally through
I'll be better off without you
First they break you and they take you to heart,
double boil your vision just to spoil the art
and like every sausage is a link in the chain
if you start eating now, you'll have to try it again
So tell me, who's your favourite author? Mine's
Graham Greene
He started with the start and kept his sentences lean
Lean like a sub machine and I lie awake with the question mark
Singing la la la la la la la - when I hit the bottle, I lost my
He's an old drinking buddy with a very good laugh
He hit on his wife and he fired his staff
So if you've got to go and answer, you're out of luck with him
and if she don't talk to brandy, she may talk with some gin
So tell me, who's your favourite player? Mine was
Joe Greene
He played up the middle and his nickname was mean
That's the name of his team: mean
Yeah, it's the name of his game
So tell me, who's your favourite singer? Mine was
Al Green
He sang with his heart, that's how he kept his steam
like a soul machine and I lie awake with the question mark
Singing la la la la la la la - when I hit the bottle, I lost my
With all my trouble behind me
I better feel better inside me,
and smile just in case
The world must be a pretty good place
I don't think about my mistakes -
there are buttons to erase
things I done wrong, so I'll just get on with
Now is the season to have no reason
One season says we're not ever on the same end
Now I've got no reason to complain
Now I've got nothing to say
besides I've gone fishing,
played more records by
Jonathan Richman
and never ever spent time alone
or waste it staring out the window
Pain is in the mind
You look around, that's what you'll find
One day I was so rocked upon your waves that I went
I put aside my pride in my path, and besides, there was money in
But we forgot that favour was a favour and not a money saver
I bet you wish you had never
One day between the city and the country
I made the same mistake twice
She was hipper than most, she had the Cinnamon Toast
45s and not a single 33
She felt deeper than most because she had
been coast to coast
and Paris when she was only seventeen
Now she was back and wanting understanding,
he turned twenty-three
Is that a lifetime when you're the car behind?
He used to take her to town on the words that he
on the blackboards at university
But she never let on that she knew all along
the distance from truth to honesty
He was young in want of understanding
like most apes his age
He'd prattle on about some rusty cage
But in his mind was another time
In her heart was a love like mine
She thought she was the queen of his dreams
but he only fantasized
And now when she looks back, he's only a knapsack,
a red shirt and a pair of black jeans
When he was sad, he used to sink down beside
and roll up those sleeves
He'd cock his head and start to moan
Because in his mind was another time
In her heart was a love like mine
Can we talk to you?
You're cool beyond repair
We love you
He just stared and smirked, doing a cool jerk,
said you kids can make me sick
I'd like to see you try
Don't you know my life is such a drag to me?
All this heavy metal, all this heavy irony
I want to be back home watching my TV
I don't love you
why you love me
We need you to rescue us from boredom
Drove two hundred miles
My clothes were out of style by the time we arrived
And Davy got so high;
he slept through half the show in the back of the car
The first thing that I did
I went home, got my records, started smashing them
Dad was so uptight,
he saw a chance to fight,
said, "I really don't know why we love you."
Why we love you
There's no one to rescue you from boredom
Rescue Us From Boredom (alternate Play the Game . . . version)
Can we talk to you?
You're cool beyond repair
Cool beyond repair
He just stared and smirked, doing a cool jerk,
said you could make me sick
I'd like to see you try
Don't you know my life is no big deal to me?
It's just heavy metal and heavy irony
I want to be back home watching my TV
I don't love you
why you love me
We need you to rescue us from boredom
Drove two hundred miles
My clothes were out of style by the time that we arrived
And Davy got so high,
slept through half the show in the back of the car
The first thing that I did
Went home, got my records, started smashing them
It was real uptight,
it was a chance to fight
Said I really don't know why I love you
Why I love you
No one to rescue you from boredom
Tell you something that's stupid, _____
and this will get some laughs
I'd paint the main stripe at social functions
if I didn't make the gaffes
'Cause it would seem that you're in luck, here
I'm capable of small, small talk
But try not to think about that
Remember, try not to think at all
Did you really feel that I'd get over that?
After all, I was falling down
After I've been into the drink
I find it hard not to lie
See this scar on my arm from a Great Dane?
See this one above my eye?
Well you've got a face I'd lie to
more easily than most I've seen
So try not to drink too much, dear
Maybe try not to drink at all
Did you really think that I'd remember that?
After all, I was falling down
And when you're alone, you'll be putting your night self on
The one that gets lonely, the one that gets lonely
And touching the scar on your back like a relief map
to make sure it's there, to make sure it's real
The one that's lonely
The one that gets real
They found the New World at night on a Wednesday
After so many wrong turns, they found it anyway
But how can you discover
something that's not covered yet?
Was it just a happy accident?
I was reading a cool magazine on an airplane
I saw the river below in a blue vein
It flowed along in slow motion, what you don't
off in the woods all alone
Folks, they want to act deranged
They can't stand things when they've changed
They're no fun when they act this way
Forget what you read, forget what you heard
The new world starts right here
(Spoken intro): We're going to close with a cover song by the
, and this is called "Sorry" and then we're going to do our jam
called "The Super Friendz Theme" and that should take us to the hour
and . . . thanks very much.
It's a two minute procedure:
a hand shake and a head fake
with your name and your face
I'm not sure it's my place
Well it's a shame that you're embarrassed
by my claim
I'm down when you're out, and that bothers
you, no doubt
When you star in one, I wish I was like that
That could be my name, that could be my face
and I wouldn't be out of place
But it's a fact: I'm not cool and I'm not
like that
I'm not where it's at
If you want to hang around, then the first step
is down
If you want to step up, then you're out of
Was it better to sneak a drunk with the high school
I like games just the same, but it's a bit
late for change
It would be a good start if you could manage
the length of heart
to get down with a clown
I'd like to have you around
Get me out of here tonight
I'll help you steal a car, show me how to drive
Make no mistake, I'm looking to get lost
Let's do something stupid for once, just because
Why should I wait for winter to come on?
Don't want to sit inside my room stone alone
Now we are seeing all our dreams fill
Most of them are bad ones - that's something we can't help
They call it a dog's life
It's not so bad, I guess
The hardest part you'll find
is to run with the chain around your neck
Well you are one of the finest fellows
but you're one hell of a liar
You don't say what you want,
you steal from me my kind intentions
Sometimes you wonder where's my mind
because I never speak it
It's up to you to read
a thousand gems not worth repeating
And we're going nowhere, just like
Tristram Shandy
and we picked the wrong time to prove ourselves
so handy
This stop-start-stay-let's go
Let's lose these everlasting lows
This crash course chemistry
has fusions melting inside of me
That's right - I may take you for advantage,
that's because I've been having such a hard
And that's the way with me;
I don't imagine you'd ever understand, right?
This stop-start-stay-let's go
Let's lose these everlasting lows
This crash course chemistry
has visions deeply dividing me
Our look's been good, but pass the salt
He's reaching for another fault
Light the past, and let burn
what we know for them to learn
It couldn't happen in West Virginia - the air is too clean there
and having never been to Wheeling
, I can't say for sure, but I have a feeling
that it's heaven on earth, for what it's worth
I couldn't find my life there, and I couldn't stay there
It must have happened in Tuscon, 'cause something convinced me
anything can go wrong within that city
They say it's heaven on earth, for what it's worth
I couldn't find my heart there, and I don't care
So Hanestown, who's the last one you'd expect to be the first thing on
your mind?
Curse the beauty two songs away when you go to sleep and when you
He believed that she received
She denied and he complied
They say it's heaven on earth, for what it's worth
I couldn't find the time there, the extra time
It was late last summer
that you got caught in the undertow
It carried you four miles offshore
to a rock where you spent the fall
Didn't think that you would last the winter
and decided to learn how to swim
But you wouldn't quit smoking
and so the undertow kept pulling you in
You were too scared to sleep, I hear
because of those arctic nights
They can last six weeks, I guess
and you were scared you couldn't dream that long
Got thinking of high school then
and all your non-conformist views
You should have stuck to your guns, my friend
That would have been better for you
Didn't you think it was strange to build a home out of rock and wreckage,
broken bits and fuselage you find washed up on the shore
The same day you disappeared
we all had a search party for you
We followed a trail of popcorn
that you still had when you'd left that film
You hit the Bermuda Triangle then
with its weeds and its aliens
But you were feeding on blue-green algae
and Manitoba water hens
I'm not so jazzed about it
Cause I just get razzed about
landing on your front door in Toronto
And I can't bring me around you,
not with these fools around
It seems they're always winking at each other
My friends, they don't believe me;
they think I've just conceived you,
you're just a figure in my fiction
But they don't get the letters you send,
the phone bills at months end
You're just a feature in this here fantasy
But it's up and running
so why stop it now?
If they interrogate me
I will disintegrate,
giving up the secrets of our nation
So don't trust me to completely,
I don't wish to complete
the plans we lay when we're bound together
And you don't want to hear about it
from anybody else's mouth
'cause after all, you're going home
It's up and running
Yeah, it's up
so why stop it now?
I try so hard, so nothing seems to work for me
But I'm so serious; I take it all so seriously
Too bad for me my time is just time
and all the money in the world isn't mine
I've got a whole new set of fans
I'm making sure all my time's well spent
Can't afford to wait for anyone
Yeah, I know it's going nowhere,
doesn't mean I got it going
But I could not do it when they paid me
My failure to come through - that's my favourite favour
I know some day, I'll cancel myself out
When I try, you know I do everything at once
I'm a walking contradiction
I'd really like to take you somewhere
But I could not do it when they paid me
My failure to come through - that's the coolest failure
I could not do it when they paid me
My failure to come through - that's my favourite failure
The World's Most Embarassing Moment
I used to be embarrassed by everything
I used to be embarrassed for everything, but
now I don't mind
I used to be embarrassed for everyone
I used to be embarrassed by everyone, but
now I just hide
'Cause eventually, I would have been in my
with a very red face and no chance to explain
The world is falling and we can't change a thing
We will run through water and we won't lose
our trail
The end is coming, the end is moving in,
so when we're taught, "Be what you're like,"
be who you are until then
I used to have a shotgun for my mouth
I used to have a shotgun for my mouth, but
now I don't fire
'Cause the lies that I told wouldn't be lies
they'd be perfect works of art and that's
the way they were meant
The world is falling and we can't change a thing
We will run through water and we won't leave
a trail
The end is coming, the end is moving in,
so when we're taught, "Be what you're like,"
be who you are until then
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